Best Viral Ads and news Worldwide presented by Johnny Matos Jaquez expert in marketing, digital and Advertising write to him (bestmarketingdigital@gmail.com) Follow us in Twitter: @bestviralads Fourthquare Johnny Matos or http://foursquare.com/user/3959954k: Miso: Johnmedia Facebook:Lo Mejor de Marketing Viral
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Kate Moss addict to Dior new lipstick
2011 best adsgreat ads,
dior addict,
dior lipstick ads best new ads,
kate moss,
kate moss atractive ad,
kate moss new ads
Britney Spears return more hot than ever
Good morning America this is a new Britney Spears,,,,dou you want to see,,,
2011 viral ads,
best viral ads,
bew ad,
Britney Spears - Curious (commercial),
britney spears life,
britney sperars concerts,
come together,
hood morning america,
hotter than ever,
Adidas 2011 we are all stars
Great passion to see together stars such as David Beckham, Derrick Rose, Lionel Messi, and Katy Perry in one commercial.
2011 best ads,
adidas ad,
david Bechman,
derrick rose ad,
katy perry ad,
lionel messi ads
Fanta Girl in the park indian ad 2011
A well new animated advertise of Fanta India
2011 viral ads,
7up indian ad,
best indian ad,
best new commercial,
fant ad,
fanta commercial,
fanta india,
great ad,
india fanta,
new campaign for Pepsi,
soft drink fanta
Sundrop dance like a robot
australian ads best new ads,
best viral ads 2011,
new ads 2011,
reviewed by johnny matos,
sundop comercial,
sundrop ad,
thirsty ad,
viral marketing
Be in Peace by Ballantine's
ballantine ad,
ballatine whisky,
be in peace,
best marketing viral,
best viral ads,
best viral commercial,
coke zero new commercial,
drink a whisky,
in peace,
johnny matos,
whisky commercial
Xperia Women ready To play against you
2011 ads,
best 2011 ads,
best marketing viral,
best viral ads,
great viral ads,
nuevos anuncios,
ready to play xperia,
sony experia ads,
xepria ads,
xperia sony
Must chocking ad: Driving me crazy Award winning compilation
Award winning compilation of safe driving cars,must see
2011 best ads,
a car ad,
belly best ads,
best ads 2011,
best viral ads,
chocking ad,
driving me crazy,
insurance ad,
love this ad,
mus see this ads,
must chocking ad
Donuts by Bridgestone Japan
brigestone ads,
gestone ad,
Giant women,
giant women ad,
japan ad.japan advertising,
japan commercial,
safety tires,
tires ad
Friday, April 1, 2011
Pixar play tennis got 8 millions viewers
adidas best commercials,
best 2011 ads,
best ads,
Extremely rare Funny Commercial Sexy from Panasonic,
new commercials,
pixar ad,
pixar play tennis,
pixar studuios,
pixar tennis ad
Adidas presents the best soccer player of the world 2011
want to be the best soccer player, come and see how
adidas 2011,
adidas 2011 ads,
adidas ad,
adidas best commercials,
adidas best soccer player,
lionel mess ad,
lionel messi adidas,
new commercials
McDonald's Date of my Life
Is a valentin day ..what do you do with a your girlfriends?
best food ad,
date of my life,
date wome,
great commercial mcdonald,
to eat,
Valenti day,
valentin ad,
valentin offer
McDonalds ad - its a hard choice
2011 mcdonalds advertising for chicken and beef deluxe
beed commercial,
beef ad,
chicken ad,
chicken offer,
is a hard choice,
mcdonald ads,
viral commercial mcdonald
Subway wheres is the beef?
100%australian ad,
2011 ads,
2011 viral ads,
ads reviewed by johnny matos,
best commercials,
best viral commercials,
new commercials,
nuevos comerciales,
wheres is the beef?subway ad
Metro ad My baby is coming
2011 viral ads,
best viral ads,
call my doctor,
getting into metro,
go quickly,
metro ad,
metro advertising,
metro commercial,
metro spain ad
There's Nothing Like this country
asutralian tourism ads,
Australian ads,
australian advertising,
best viral ads,
best viral commercials,
coke zero new commercial,
great commercials,
johnny matos presents,
new destination,
vacation ads
Pepsi China Mermaid rescue my water(no sound)
best pepsi ads,
best pepsi advertising,
bottle water,
china ads,
china commercials,
china water,
coke zero new commercial,
drink water,
mermaid rescue,
my water,
pepsi china
Is a Chicken of the sea
With a series on online videos , Chicken of the Sea is giving life to its iconic mermaid, a boy ask so many questions...well follow the answers.
2011 ads,
australian ads best new ads,
best commercials 2011,
best viral ads,
chicken ad,
chicken of the sea,
nuevos comerciales
Dancing Cats
best ads.viral marketing,
best cats ads,
best cats commercial,
best viral ads,
coke zero new commercial,
dancing animals,
dancing cats,
new cats commercials,
nuevos anuncios
Cats with Thumbs we want your milk by Cranvendale
best 2011 ads,
best viral ads,
best viral commercial,
cats love milk milk ad,
Cats with Thumbs,
johnny matos viral marketing,
marketing viral,
milk commercial,
new commercial
Oreo 3 Amigos the best friendship
Is a cookie,a special cookie, an oreo and they 3 kids talking....
3 friends,
best new ads,
best viral ad,
best viral commercial,
cookies ad,
johnny matos presents,
new commercials,
oreo advertising,
t oreo ad
Toyota Corolla 2012:new ad from Brazil
best car commercial,
best new ads,
best viral ads,
car ads,
coke zero new commercial,
in the road,
love car,
Toyota corolla 2012
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Singing in the Sea by Atun Calvo
2011 viral ads,
atun advertising,
Atun Calvo,
atun clavo ad,
best viral ads,
best viral commercial,
new commercials,
sing a song,
singing in the sea
HTC Mobile You Are Different From You, be yourself
Be yourself is one of more difficult thing in life, HTC try in this advertising to demonstrate how hard is to be unique.
be yourlself,
best new ads,
great ad,
great commercial,
htc bank,
htc latest,
love ads
Life Could Change by Banco Provincia
Is Don Ramon,is about forgiveness, is about a transgender women ..discover this classic ad from Banco Provincia
banco provincia,
banco provincia ad,
best new ads,
johnny matos,
life could change,
the value of life,
transgender tolerance,
viral ad,
viral marketing
Dupont the Miracle
best ads.viral marketing,
dupont ad,
dupont best ads,
dupont latest,
Dupont the miracle,
dupont viral ad,
johnny matos,
miracle of the science,
new best ads,
new viral marketing
Do something good by Orange
It only takes 5 minutes to take advantage of new application from Orange UK and do some good
Do something good,
new application best orange ad,
new commercial,
orange app,
orange commercials,
uk ad
the Future Internet of Services
In this video you will find the latest video basis in The project SOA4All,This video describes the current trends for 2011 and look our Future Internet of services and the Web of Data.
best viral marketing,
data worlwide,
future internet,
future mobile,
future trends,
latest internet data,
latest trends,
latest trends worlwide,
viral marketing data
Welcome to Social Media 2011 updated
Is a cloud in internet, how to understand our consumer, how they are using the we, the latest statitics in twitter,google,facebook,mobile.Interesting info video and well done visual made by salesforce.com basis in other similars videos that are in the web
facebook data,
google data,
is a colud in social mediatwitter data,
Welcome to social media
Do you love me? lara Stone for Versus Versace fragance
Is a mirror but no any mirror you have Lara Stone directed by Craig McDean
best new ads,
craig mcdean,
gret ads best viral ads,
johnny matos,
Lara stone,
new perfume,
nuevos comerciales,
versace fragance,
versus fragance
Prada On the floor just for you
waiting for a man, waiting for a dream come true.
best ads,
johnny matos,
marketing viral,
new commercial,
prada ad,
prada adevrtising,
prada commercial,
viral marketing
Happy Kid by Danone
2011 viral ads,
Advertising and Marketing,
best ads,
coke zero new commercial,
danone ad,
european commercial,
happy family,
happy kid,
johnny matos,
viral marketing
A monkey in my Trunk
a monkey in my trunk,
best new ads,
best viral ads,
great ad,
johnny matos presents,
monkey advert,
monkey commercial,
new commercials,
nuevos comerciales
The girl of your dreams..stays a dream
2011 viral ads,
belly best ads,
best ads.viral marketing,
best new ads,
culure ads,
great ads,
innapropiate call,
lo mejores anuncios 2010,
The girl of your dreams..stays a dream
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Chanel Coco: Follow the Mademoiselle with Keira Knightley
Keira is hot in this viral ad for Coco Channel
2011 viral ads,
a perfume,
best chanel ad,
best coco ad,
best new ads,
Chanel coco,
coco chanel,
erotic ad,
keira knightley ad,
nuevo comercial
Cadbury India A little indian cute girl
a litlle girl,
a little cute girl,
best ads.viral marketing,
best marketing viral,
cadbury ad,
Cadbury india,
cadbury indian ad,
new commercial,
new indian ad
Nike Classic:Soccer vs Ninjas 6.5 Millions viewers
From Nike is nice to see the battle of Soccer Player vs.Ninjas
best news ads,
best nike commercial,
best viral ads,
coke zero new commercial,
great advertising,
nike ads,
NIKE classic,
soccers vs ninja,
the battle game
Is aTrio Easter Egg Chocolate
a trio,
best viral ads,
eastern time ad,
egg chocolate,
great viral ads,
is a trio,
is a trio chocolate,
love chocolate,
new chocolate ad,
news viral ads
M&M's Checkout Portugal
Latest M&M's Ad from Portugal
best new ads,
checkout new ad,
choclate new ad,
M and M chocolate,
peanut chocolate,
portugal ad
Mirinda ahhhhhhhhhh!!! an Indian Ad
best commercials,
best new ads,
best viral ads,
mirinda indian ad,
new commercials,
nuevos comerciales
Coke Zero Happy Mouth
2011 coke ad,
best coke ad,
best viral ads,
best viral commercial,
coke ad,
Coke Zero,
coke Zero hungar,
coke zero new commercial,
great europe ad,
hungary ad
Pepsi Cricket World Cup Ad Campaign Change The Game
best new ads,
best pepsi max,
best viral ads,
change the game,
Dhoni pepsi ad,
new campaign for Pepsi,
pepsi world cup ad,
world cricket cup
Airtel World Cup 2011 by SRK
airtel world cup,
airtel world cup 2011,
best new ads,
best sports ads,
best viral ads,
johnny matos presents best ads,
new commercial,
sporrt ads,
srk ad,
srk advertising
Bring it on Sachin! by adidas 2011
adidas 2011,
best tennis,
best viral ads,
bring it on sachin,
by adidas,
johnny matos,
marketing viral,
new adidas,
viral marketingBig Game Commercial 2011 - Release the Hounds
Is a big Meal
2011 viral ads,
best viral ads,
big meal,
great ad,
is abig meal,
new ad
Bonito Coche-Nice Car by Mercedes Benz
A guy a nice car,a Girl well Bonito Coche shows the power of women.
2011 cars,
best ads,
best new ads,
best viral ads,
bonito coche,
commercial mercedes benz,
nice car,
nuevos anuncios
Who said we don't need MOM?
Welcome to Disney fantasy Mars Needs Moms directed by Simon Wills a simple history:
A young boy named Milo gains a deeper appreciation for his mom after Martians come to Earth to take her away.
2011 movies,
best ads.viral marketing,
best marketing viral,
best viral ads,
best viral commercials,
family movies,
johnny matos,
mars needs moms,
movies ads,
new movies,
nuevos comerciales
Hop a new movie directed by Tim Hill
The producer of despicable me is coming with the new film about easter time , directed by Tim Hill in theather April 1 , more to see in iwantcandy.com
best new ads,
family moviebest ads,
funny movie,
new movie,
tim hill
Bon Jovi It's my Life by Mitsibishi
a car ad,
automovile ad,
best music ad,
bon jovi,
bon jovi its my life,
great ad,
mitusibishi ad,
new commercial,
nuevos comerciales johnny matos,
well ad
Progress is beautiful by Audi
Nice music,well filming ad by Audi
audi ad,
audi car,
best viral ads,
johnny matos,
marketing viral,
nuevos comercialesnice ad,
progress is beautiful viral ad,
viral marketing
A stone in the water by Qatar Financial center
Commercial shot
This commercial was made by Adrian Woat,RSA and the creative agency Vallance Carruthers Coleman Priest,bravo !!!
This commercial was made by Adrian Woat,RSA and the creative agency Vallance Carruthers Coleman Priest,bravo !!!
a stone in the water,
ads reviewed by johnny matos,
belly best ads,
best ads.viral marketing,
best commercials,
best marketing viral,
new commercial,
nuevos comerciales,
qatar financial center
Budweiser 1,2,3 counting the hours
Love The Irleand Ad from Budweiser, this commercial was shooting in 5 days and crew were on the train for 50 hrs over a 5 day period in temperatures that were often below freezing
ads reviewed by johnny matos,
best budweiser,
best commercials 2011,
best marketing viral,
best viral ads,
budweiser new ad,
drink a bud,
great ad,
lyrics budweiser,
nuevos comerciales
Just one finger to play by Ipod Nano
best viral ads,
carry ipod nano,
good ad,
ipod nano,
Ipod Nano ad,
ipod viral ad,
johnny matos,
marketing viral,
new commercial,
one finger,
viral marketing
Rhapsody download by Lady Gaga
A drop of a water, inside the famous singer Lady Gaga, nice ad to dowload the music of thio singer.
best viral ad,
download Lady gaga,
download music,
great commercial,
johnny matos,
lady gaga songs,
lo mejores anuncios 2010,
new commercial,
nuevos anuncios,
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Giant Women appears by Puma
best viral ads,
Giant women,
giant women appears,
johnny matos,
marketing viral,
new puma ad,
puma ad,
viral marketing,
woman shoes
Adidas French Originals MEGALIZER La Fouine feat. Les Twins
2011 viral ads,
Adidas Original,
adidas original megalizer,
best music video,
les twins,
nuevos comerciales,
premiere adidas megalizer,
viral music video
Waterproof by Lady Speed Stick
SofÃa Mulanovich is a Peruvian World Champion Surfer,in this ad she surfs the dry wave in this nice spot for Lady Speed Stick Waterproof.
best ads.viral marketing,
best marketing viral,
best viral ads,
great ads,
johnny matos,
lady speed,
nuevos coemrciales,
sofia mulanovich,
world champio surfer
Introducing Gorgeous by Victoria Secret directed by Michael Bay
Supermodel Lindsay Ellingson is directed by Michael Bay in the new 30"- commercial for Victoria's Secret's new made-to-be-noticed push-up.Geougeous Girl, you gonna love it.
ads reviewed by johnny matos,
best ads.viral marketing,
best new ads,
best victoria secret,
gorgeous ad,
Introducing Gorgeous by Victoria Secret,
lo mejores anuncios 2010,
marketing viral,
push up
Do you love me? I am pregnant
yes one in a while you fall in love you make love with this girl and boom she is pregnant first time, what do you do? ..good campaign...
best ads,
do not kill your love,
do you love me? i am pregnant,
marketing viral,
new ads,
new commercial,
nuevos comerciales,
pregnant women,
use a condom,
viral marketing
Trust in a rainy day by BBC Janala
Excellent commercial by BBC Janala, the key of this touching ad is to show images of a man walking in a rainy day.
bbc janala,
belly best ads,
best bbc janala,
best new ads,
best viral commercial,
good ad,
great commercial,
learn english,
nuevos anuncios,
nuevos comerciales,
rainy day,
Trust me
Farewell Citi by Golf VW
Is time to enjoy life, to be together, to be with your family, enjoy nature,maybe more reasons to see Golf Ad by VW
belly best ads,
best new ads,
by johnny matos,
Farewell citi,
farewell friends,
golf car,
golf vw,
good ad,
lo mejores anuncios 2010,
new advertising,
nuevos anuncios
Mash Underwear by Bonds
almost nude,
best commercial,
best new ads,
bonds mash,
colorfeul underwear,
johnny matos,
marketing viral,
new commercials,
nonds underwear,
viral marketing,
working underwear
Rachael Taylor for Bonds Autumn/Winter 2011
Is The model,is autumn, is winter,is underwear,,,nice to see Rachel smiling,jumping and comfortable
best commercial,
best new ads,
best vira ads,
johnny matos presents,
lo mejores anuncios 2010,
new commercial,
nuevos anuncios,
rachael taylor ad,
viral rachael taylor,
Super Rugby by TV3
The Commercials Reel TV3 March 8 2011
best commercials 2011,
best news ads,
best viral campaign,
commercial reels,
hyundai elantra,
new ads,
nuevos comerciales,
rugby commercials,
Komodo a new ad by Old Spice
komodo ad,
marketing viral,
new ads,
new commercial,
new viral ad by old spice,
nuevos anuncios,
Old Spice,
old spice komodo,
old spice viral ad,
viral marketing
Waiting Room A short film got 1.5 millions viewers Directed by Brian Spach
A short film directed by Brian Spach got more than a million viewers
Written and Directed by Brian Spach
Starring James Spach and Mary Dale Spach
Editors - Richard Krysztoforski & Brian Spach
Camera - Mike Duda
Sound - Jen Cleary
A Short Film Called Hands,
best ads,
best short film,
directed by brian spach,
make me cry,
viral short film,
Waiting room
I have only 3 days left 3 jours,3 dias
If you have only 3 days to ...... an excellent short film
3 days,
3 dias,
3 jours,
A Short Film Called Hands,
belly best ads,
hiv ads,
info comerciales,
johnny matos presents,
nuevos comerciales
Is a new experience Hit The Road Jack By Citroen
A great Song a nice ad by Citroen
best ads.viral marketing,
citroen 2011,
citroen ad,
citroen car,
great new ad,
great song,
lady gaga new song,
marketing viral best ad,
new ads,
new commercial,
nuevos comerciales
My little Car by Picasso Citroen
a car ad,
best ads,
best commercial,
citroen picasso,
johnny matos,
just a car,
my little car,
new ad,
new commercial,
new france ad,
nuevbos anuncios,
nuevos comerciales,
picasso car
Uruguay Intermarche - Le Boucher looking for the beef
Jacaranda films Uruguay launched le Boucher ,the kid,the dad, the horse and of course le Boucher
anuncios nuevos,
france ads,
jacaranda films,
jacaranda uruguay,
johnny matos analiza,
le boucher,
new films,
nuevos anuncios,
urugay ads,
viral marketing
into the glass a 7up Indian ad
7up ad,
7up indian ad,
best viral ads,
johnny matos,
marketing viral,
mejores comerciales,
new ads,
new commercial,
nuevos comerciales,
viral marketing
M&M in love
M&M ad from Taiwan
chocoalte ad,
great ad,
in love,
johnny matos best viral ads,
M and M,
mejores comerciales,
new ads,
nyuevos comerciales
They are Hostages by M&M
bbdo commercial,
belly best ads,
chocolate ad,
chocolate commercial,
delcious choclate,
johnny matos,
MandM Hostages,
mnad m chocolat,
new commercial,
nuevos comerciales
Monday, March 28, 2011
People like us by MTV thinks ad.
best commercials,
best viral ads,
mejores comerciales mtv,
mtv life,
mtv news,
mtv thinks,
mtv thoughts,
people like us,
viral mtv campaign
HIV your final destination ad from Estonia
hiv ad,
hiv commercial,
new ads,
new commercial,
nuevos comerciales,
stonia ad,
stonia commercial,
you are death
When you are in love by Eurovision
2011 viral ads,
belly best ads,
best ads,
buenos comerciales,
inidan ad,
new commercial,
nuevos comerciales,
presented by Johnny Matos,
when you are in love,
worldwide ad,
worlwide commercial
Feel the power to do more by Dell
2011 viral ads,
best computer,
best dell ads,
do dell,
do more,
Feel the power,
johnny matos,
new ads,
nuevos comerciales,
Black Macbook Air AD by Apple
anuncios nuevos,
best computer,
best viral ads,
black apple,
Black Macbook Air AD,
great viral ad,
los mejores anuncios,
new commercials,
nuevos comerciales
Blue World by Virgin Air
airline ad,
best viral commercial,
Blue World,
great ad,
mejores comerciales,
new commercial,
nuevos comerciales,
pacific blue
A smart girl at the beach
a bikini ad,
a smart girl at the beach,
best viral ads,
great ad,
great ads,
new commercial,
nuevos comerciales,
sprite smarte girl
Is your Mom Home By Paul
2011 viral ads,
best commercial,
bikini waxes,
curly commercial,
great ad,
is your mom home? paul,
new commercial,
nuevos comerciales
Elton John AIDS Foundation Academy Awards
Sir Elton John together and David Furnish are hosting a a Viewing Party of The 19th annual Elton John AIDS Foundation
Patapon by Sony
Sony launched the critically-acclaimed rhythm-based adventure game returns with new quests, increased customization and all-new online battles.
best ads,
best viral,
critically aclaimed,
game ad,
new ad,
psp ad,
viral ad
Like father like Son by South Indian Bank
best viral marketing,
father ad,
johnny matos,
like father,
like son,
mejores comerciales,
new ad,
new commercial,
new generation,
nuevos comerciales,
son ad,
viral commercial
Kodak Ghost Story Hurting You by Navarrone
Best music viral video,
hurting you,
kodak ghost,
kodak moments,
lo mejores anuncios 2010,
mejores videos,
navarrone hurting you,
new ads,
viral music ad
Share a touching ad by Sports Toto
best ads,
best commercial,
best commercials,
family share,
new ad,
nuevos comerciales,
share food,
sport toto,
toto ad
Rock N Rony by Kraft
2011 Honda Odyssey Commercial "Rock Van",
belly best ads,
best commercials,
just rock,
new ads,
nuevos comerciales
Babies in the Pool by Evian Water
The mega hit viral ads with babies from Evian Water got 4 millions viewers worldwide
babies in the pool,
best ads,
best commercials,
evian water,
jus dance with babies,
mejores comerciales,
new ads,
nuevos comerciales
Beyonce in a japan Ad for Crystal Geyser
anuncios nuevos,
best ads,
best viral ads,
beyonce ad,
beyonce crustal geyser ad,
geyser ad,
johnny matos,
los mejores anuncios,
new ads,
viral ads,
water ads
Is Water is life, just dance by Water Life
best ads,
best viral ads,
great commercial,
is water,
johnny matos,
just dance,
lo mejor de marketing,
michale jackson,
new commercial,
water ads,
Water life
Smile by Aquafina
aquafina ad,
best ads,
best commercial,
best viral ads,
cry or smile,
drink water,
johnny matos marketing,
marketing viral,
mejores anuncios,
smile by aquafina,
viral marketing,
water smile
Is a Cobra inside you
a Cobra,
best ads,
best commercial,
great ad,
Inside your body,
johnny matos,
marketing viral,
mejores anuncios,
viral ad,
viral marketing,
wicked energy drink
Tattoo Energy Drink by Wicked
best ads,
best commercial,
best short film lo mejor de marketing viral,
best viral marketing,
drink tattoo,
johnny matos latest,
mejores comerciales,
wicked energy drink
Sunday, March 27, 2011
We all fall down by GM
best gm ad,
best marketing viral,
car falling down,
gm we all fall down,
los mejores anuncios,
viral gm ad,
we all fall down
Mindfreak: are you ready?by Chris Angel
2011 viral ads,
best commercial,
chris angel,
criss angel,
give a earth,
Transformation by Ikea
ads reviewed by johnny matos,
best marketing viral,
best viral ads,
best viral marketing,
great ads,
great commercials,
mejores comerciales,
in a world that said no by Ikea
a sofa ad,
best viral ads,
great ad,
ikea you can,
in a world,
mejores comerciales,
say no i sad yes
The Sky by Japan Arlines
Armani revealed a Megan Fox in underwear and Armani Jeans
armani mega fox,
armani viral ads,
best commercial armani,
best jeans ads,
comercial armani,
underwear ad
A trio by Calvin Klein
a trio,
ads reviewed by johnny matos,
best marketing viral,
best viral marketing,
calvin clain trio,
ck viral ad,
trio ad,
want a trio
Calvin Klein 2011 UNCENSORED Underwear ad Mark Your Spot
best ads Underwear Fall 2010 presented by Johnny Matos,
calvin klein uncensored ad,
ck underwear,
johnny matos,
mejores comerciales,
underwear ck,
viral ad,
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